Terms & Conditions

My Votes Online is voting solution used by votes Organizers from any part the world.

If you do not agree to be bound by all of these Terms of Use, do not access or use the Service.

By accessing or using the My Votes Online website or Service (together, the"Service"), The following terms and conditions apply exclusively to the aforementioned are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the same.

There may be times when we offer a special feature that has its own terms and conditions that apply in addition to these Terms of Use. In those cases, the terms specific to the special feature control to the extent there is a conflict with these Terms of Use.

General Terms
  1. You must be at least 13 years old to use the Service.

  2. You may not post violent, nude, discriminatory, unlawful, infringing, hateful, pornographic or sexually suggestive photos or other content via the Service.

  3. Users that are proven to have conducted themselves unethically, have participated in activities that are likely to bring the my votes Online into disrepute will be automatically disable from further use of services.

  4. Users are responsible for any activity that occurs through their account and you agree you will not sell, transfer, license or assign your account, followers, username, or any account rights. With the exception of people or businesses that are expressly authorized to create accounts on behalf of their employers or clients, My Votes Online prohibits the creation of an account for any other person.

  5. User also represent that all information you provide or provided to My Votes Online upon registration and at all other times will be true, accurate, current and complete and you agree to update your information as necessary to maintain its truth and accuracy.

  6. Any attempts at hacking or illegally accessing the My Votes Online platforms to submit participants or otherwise tamper with the system and the process of voting shall result into criminal investigations and legal action being taken, including suspending of user account.

  7. You agree that you will not solicit, collect or use the login credentials of other users.

  8. You are responsible for keeping your password secret and secure.

  9. You must not defame, stalk, bully, abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate people or entities

  10. you must not post private or confidential information via the Service, including, without limitation, your or any other person's credit card information,social security or alternate national identity numbers, non-¬public phone numbers or non-¬public email addresses.

  11. You may not use the Service for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. You agree to comply with all laws, rules and regulations (for example, federal, state, local and provincial) applicable to your use of the Service and your Content (defined below),including but not limited to, copyright laws.

  12. My Votes Online will not be held accountable for and will not be responsible to any third party for any information and materials submitted for and/or on behalf of participant. Should a third party be confirmed to own, have a license to or otherwise have actionable cause for intellectual property (copyright, trademarks, patents, industrial designs and such like) associated with a participant then the participant will have to take over and engage directly with such third party whilst our service will be suspended pending final determination of any such dispute.

  13. You must not change, modify, adapt or alter the Service or change, modify or alter another website so as to falsely imply that it is associated with My Votes Online.

  14. You must not access private API by means other than those permitted by My Votes Online.

  15. You must not create or submit unwanted email, comments, likes or other forms of commercial or harassing communications (a/k/a "spam") to any users.

  16. You must not use domain names or web URLs in your username without prior written consent from My Votes Online.

  17. You must not interfere or disrupt the Service or servers or networks connected to the Service, including by transmitting any worms, viruses, spyware, malware or any other code of a destructive or disruptive nature. You may not inject content or code or otherwise alter or interfere with the way any My Votes Online page is rendered or displayed in a user's browser or device.

  18. You must not attempt to restrict another user from using or enjoying the Service and you must not encourage or facilitate violations of these Terms of Use.

  19. Violation of these Terms of Use may, in My Votes Online sole discretion, result in termination of your account. Upon termination, all licenses and other rights granted to you in these Terms of Use will immediately cease.

  20. You understand and agree that My Votes Online cannot and will not be responsible for the Content posted on the Service and you use the Service at your own risk.

  21. Votes Organizers will be liable for all information, images and links provided on their voting pages. My Votes Online will not be liable for any information posted by the organizer

  22. We reserve the right to modify or terminate the Service or your access to the Service for any reason, without notice, at any time, and without liability to you.

  23. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change these Terms of Use ("UpdatedTerms") from time to time. Unless we make a change for legal or administrative reasons, we will provide reasonable advance notice before the Updated Terms become effective. You agree that we may notify you of the Updated Terms by posting them on the Service, and that your use of the Service after the effective date of the Updated Terms (or engaging in such other conduct as we may reasonably specify)constitutes your agreement to the Updated Terms. Therefore, you should review these Terms of Use and any Updated Terms before using the Service. The Updated Terms will be effective as of the time of posting, or such later date as may be specified in the Updated Terms, and will apply to your use of the Service from that point forward. These Terms of Use will govern any disputes arising before the effective date of the Updated Terms

  24. We reserve the right to refuse access to the Service to anyone for any reason at anytime.

  25. We reserve the right to force forfeiture of any username for any reason.

  26. We may, but have no obligation to, remove, edit, block, and/or monitor Content or accounts containing Content that we determine in our sole discretion violates these Terms of Use.

  27. You are solely responsible for your interaction with other users of the Service, whether online or offline. You agree that My Votes Online is not responsible or liable for the conduct of any user. My Votes Online reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor or become involved in disputes between you and other users. Exercise common sense and your best judgment when interacting with others, including when you submit or post Content or any personal or other information.

  28. You agree that you are responsible for all data charges you incur through use of the Service


  1. My Votes Online does not claim ownership of any Content that you post on or through the service. Instead, you hereby grant to My Votes Online a non¬ exclusive, fully paid and royalty ¬free, transferable, sub¬licensable, license to use the Content that you post on or through the Service, subject to the Service's Privacy Policy available

  2. Although My Votes Online have used reasonable efforts to ensure that all information and materials relating to the service are accurate, they shall not be liable for any inaccuracy or errors in such information and/or material. My Votes Online, their agents and sub-contractors will also not bear responsibility for any loss or damage to a Participant, whether caused by self or any third party, arising from: Matters outside the control of the Organizers, their agents and sub-contractors including but not limited to force majeure events such as acts of God, computer viruses, power outages, etc; and Any technical failure or malfunction or any other problem with any machine, telephone network or system, internet service, service provider software or otherwise which may result in any communication being lost or not properly received, registered or recorded

  3. You represent and warrant that: (i) you own the Content posted by you on or through the Service or otherwise have the right to grant the rights and licenses set forth in these Terms of Use; (ii) the posting and use of your Content on or through the Service does not violate, misappropriate or infringe on the rights of any third party, including,without limitation, privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, trademark and/or other intellectual property rights; (iii) you agree to pay for all royalties, fees, and any other monies owed by reason of Content you post on or through the Service; and (iv) you have the legal right and capacity to enter into these Terms of Use in your jurisdiction.

  4. The Service contains content owned or licensed by My Votes Online ("My Votes Online Content"). My Votes Online Content is protected by copyright, trademark, patent and other laws. My Votes Online owns and retains all rights in the site. You will not remove, alter or conceal any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the My Votes Online Content and you will not reproduce, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works based on, perform, display, publish, distribute, transmit, broadcast, sell, license or otherwise exploit the My Votes Online Content.

  5. The My Votes Online name and logo are trademarks of My Votes Online, and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission. In addition, all page headers, custom graphics, button icons and scripts are service marks, trademarks and/or trade dress of My Votes Online, and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without prior written permission.

  6. My Votes Online is not liable on occasions when the Service may be interrupted, including,without limitation, for scheduled maintenance or upgrades, for emergency repairs, or due to failure of telecommunications links and/or equipment. Also, on any content that will be removed due to these disruptions. My Votes Online encourages you to maintain your own backup of your Content

  7. You also acknowledge that the Internet may be subject to breaches of security and that the submission of Content or other information may not be secure.

  8. My Votes Online is not responsible for, and does not endorse, Content posted within the Service. And does not have any obligation to prescreen,monitor, edit, or remove any Content. If your Content violates these Terms of Use, you may bear legal responsibility for that Content.

  9. Except as otherwise described in the Service's Privacy Policy, available

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My Votes Online is an online voting solution for all votes Organizers around the world.